Why Risk of Covid-19 case fatality in India relatively higher among females : Study

risk of covid
why Risk of Covid case fatality in India relatively higher among females

Latest verification explains that the burden of the coronavirus is more among females than the males. In the month of May it is acknowledged that the impact of deaths in the whole universe with COVID 19 is only 2.9 percent in males and higher in women as compared to men’s that is 3.3 percent. Moreover, it is described that the proper consciousness towards the Indian women is necessary so that the impact of COVID-19 among women will decrease.

Effect of COVID-19 in India among males and females

The cases in India related to coronavirus get increased day by day and there are no any effects with the precautions and steps like lockdown taken by the government.  The cases get doubled in just four days. It ran two times from 1019 to 2060. This data is of the 29 march to 1 april month. After That from April 23 to May 3, the virus takes eleven days to get doubled. But presently, the cases get increased in lack and rise above 1,50,000. It is not under control even after various precautions announced by the government. This is increasing day by day which causes a very bad impact on the people of the country. As per the latest update till May 20, 34.3 percent indian womens get infected with this virus. On the other hand, the data get doubled in the males and reached at 70.4 percent in the age group of 30-40 years. This becomes very stressful for the government.

Moreover, the coronavirus attack on the old age group people due to a bad immunity system and lifestyle of Indian women. Moreover, in the age group 70 years to 80 years the percentage of infected Indian females is 40 percent. After that, the Indian women that are more than 80 years old is 36.9 percent. The other issue is that the death rate among Indian females is more as compared to males. The women above 80 years have more death rates as compared to young ones that are 48.5 percent and among younger women it is 21.3 percent which is very less as compared to old one. The old woman has a higher death rate because of a weak immune system. On the other hand, the young age group individual infected rate with coronavirus is only 13.8 percent and death rate is 2.1 percent. This age group has fewer burdens over the government because of less infection and deaths.

COVID-19 increase gender discrimination in India

It is determined that the strain of the sufferers from coronavirus and passing away people for age classifications revealed that on date May 20 men’s portion have higher infection from coronavirus that is 66 percent and women have only 34 percent.  The coronavirus infection divided into 0-5 age and also in the old age group. The Case fertility rate between men is 299 percent and in women it’s 3.3 percent. Latest updates estimates from the ministry of health described that the three quarters from all the affirmed covid cases are men’s.

They also explained that it is necessary to ventilate the stress to recognize the conclusion is validated for the youngsters or old age individuals. The measurement of confirmation related to age marking in COVID-19 mortality makes concentration on the youngsters and old age people. The most necessary issue is related to inspecting the whole age distinctions in the pandemic of Coronavirus infection and risk from a gender contact. Initially verification from many countries in the world recommend that men in is a danger from the infections and deaths from coronavirus. But it is necessary to speculate this issue with proper supervision.



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