What These 6 Famous Women Who Overcame Depression Teach You

6 Famous Women Who Overcame Depression

Do you ever have a constant nervous feeling, outbursts of elevated heart beats or perhaps a sense of for coming doom? If yes, you could be suffering from depression or anxiety disorders or other similar issues! Now this does not mean you have gone crazy or that you are dumb! It is not something to be ashamed of or to be fearful of! The best thing is to be aware of your shortcomings and to not let them cripple you in any way. You are bigger than the demons in your mind and have it in you to overcome these problems.

To somebody who has no idea about this let me try and break it down for you. It is quite common for people to feel sad at moments of loss or feel futile when they face hurdles in life. But for some people these feelings are really intensive and last a long time. They can come because of no reason at all. These feelings usually cripple the person forcing them to feel emotionally very weak with a feeling that they have no one to care for them. I request you to not confuse depression with low mood, because depression is a serious issue and can cause you to face severe mental and physical problems.

These anxiety disorders don’t have a specific classification or way of operating. They can affect any person and if not identified early; they can have serious repercussions in later life. You could be a president or a house help, anxiety can affect anybody.

Movie celebrities are no different. A lot of people don’t always come forward because of the sigma surrounding it. But there are some, who understood their situations and worked towards being able to control them. A lot of the celebrities have opened up about themselves and how they overcame their depression and anxiety. Let us have a look at some of these examples.

  1. Jennifer Lawrence

Now her roles in the Hunger Games trilogy might give a fearless aura to her, but in reality, she has also been affected by depression and anxiety disorders.

When talking with various magazines she has revealed how she faced social anxiety when she was a kid. She used to always feel like ‘a weirdo’. She did not make friends really easily and was lonesome in her childhood.

In fact, she even had to take medication and therapy to keep her from succumbing to her anxiety disorder and hyperactivity.

She has come a long way from her initial childhood days to her current celebrity personality. According to her acting has helped her come out of her shell and stay away from depressive thoughts. It has made her feel capable and her friends are happier than ever to see her in the limelight.

  1. Demi Lovato

Famous for her songs like ‘Neon light’ and ‘Heart attack’, she is always seen with a smile on the screens. The word took a hit when they saw their icon reveal her issues with anxiety and bipolar disorder. She has faced a line of problems like bullying, anorexia, addiction and bulimia.

She was diagnosed with bipolar in 2011. Initially she was worried about talking a lot about this but after going into rehab she has come out on the top.

According to her, people are uneducated about bipolar and anxiety issues and she has strived to reach out to as many people as possible. She has gone into extensive treatment plans along with her gym workout so that they are in synergy.

  1. Oprah Winfrey

This is another household name that currently rules over all the social media. She is one of the wealthiest women in the world and has been through a lot to carve her place among the elite. But no matter how successful you are you will face tough choices in life that you need to take without regrets.

It was quite a shock for the world to know that their role model Oprah had been sexually abused for a long time during her childhood. Because of this she had faced many problems like low self-esteem and depression. She had picked up the habit of double guessing herself which caused her many problems while growing up.

Her experiences have taught her a lot and shaped her into the resolute person that she is today! She had to work a lot on her attitude and personality to overcome her inner fears and her crippling indecisiveness.

Using her own fears and anxieties she has completely changed her life for the better!

  1. Princess Diana

Princess Diana was fondly remembered by the public for her vibrant charisma, tireless activism and natural grace. Her marriage into the British Royal family was with a lot of pomp and fervor. Her entire life changed with that one decision and she now had a well-scrutinized public image.

In all her time the public never really got a whiff of her struggles. But with the birth of William, she suffered postpartum disorder and an eating disorder. She suffered a lot and tried to voice her concerns. But according to her, her new family did not really believe her well and tried to keep it all down. Her troubles only grew as her marriage fell apart after the scandal.

She faced a lot of stigma for her conditions but with her personality she braved through them all. She also had a stint with self-injury because of her numb and helpless feeling.

  1. Emma Stone

The ‘La La Land’ actress has earned much repute and fandom because of her wonderful acting and amazing personality. She has worked really hard for the top position she is at right now.

But she has also faced her fair share of troubles in her journey to stardom. She has been suffering from anxiety and panic attack since she was a mere child. She faced a lot of bullying in her school and had a tough time making friends. Small things like enjoying with toys were a hardship for her. There were times when she felt completely useless and just wanted to quit and run.

But she turned her mind away from such devils and took up acting. With her mind busy in other things, she finally was able to move away from her ordeals. And after that there has been no looking back for Emma Stone.

  1. Adele

Many of you might be strumming and buzzing to her songs like ‘Hello’ but did you know she has a very acute case of stage fright. She has been facing panic attacks throughout her singing career.

During many of her concerts which were always so demanding of her, she used to break down. She had this feeling of getting lost in the crowd. Vomiting frequently and running away were some common things at the peak of her career.

But it all ended the day she decided to approach others for help and support. With some tweaks in her schedule, she is able to better control her fear and has a better time.

  1. Ellen Degeneres

Ellen has been widely acclaimed as a brilliant comedian-actress and chat show host. She has reached a pinnacle of success with her hard work and will power.

But her journey has not been a bed of roses. With her announcement of being gay during 1997, she tanked her entire career. She received numerous hate mails, death threats and bomb scares too. It was really a dark period for her where she had nowhere to go and had to survive without any job for quite a lot of time. She faced her depression demons and then decided she had enough of this. Her 2003 role as Dory in ‘Finding Nemo’, was a revival of her career and after she has gone on to become a famed chat show host.

Even celebrities face depression, but they overcome by engaging in some activities like singing, acting or sharing their problem with people. Playing your favorite musical instrument like piano, bar chimes, violin help to uplift your mood.



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