Now Indian Railway can check live status of trains from satellite

Indian railway live tracking

ISRO satellite tracking in Indian Trains

The Indian government is trying to put some extra efforts to put things on a digital platform. Indian Railway has changed its way of working and helping passengers through online platforms also. Indian Railway linked its trains via ISRO satellite. It will help in updating live location and other required information about the train. According to official

“A new beginning has been made in the new year: the train movement information is acquired and fed to the control charts using ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) satellite-based real-time train information system (RTIS) automatically”

All the new changes related to digital optimization is in a run from 8th January 2019 in express trains especially. Some terminals were connected to Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra – Bandra Terminus, New Delhi-Patna, New Delhi-Amritsar, and Delhi – Jammu routes.

According to the railway, this new system will help them to monitor the movement of trains effectively. It will improve the timing schedule of trains.

How will Train work with ISRO satellite?

RTIS device installed in trains to know the live status of the train through ISRO satellite. According to officials

“Based on this information and application logic, the device sends the train movement updates (arrival/departure/run through/unscheduled stoppages and mid-section updates) to a central location server in the CRIS data center using S-band Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) of ISRO,” he said.

“After processing in the CLS, this information is relayed to the Control Office Application (COA) system for automatic plotting of control charts without any manual intervention in the divisions,” added the official

Recently Google announced free wifi in trains.




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