If you wish to check your bank account balance that is remaining in your bank account. Then there are many methods that you can use. Ultimately no matter which method you are using you will get to know the balance that is remaining in your bank account. But every method carries its own odds and evens. There are certain methods that require you to personally step out of your place. And some of the methods can help you to check your balance right from the place where you are sitting.
If you are looking for a guide that will help you to download the Canara Bank account statement. Then this webpage will help you out. Because we are going to discuss everything that you need to know about the bank account statement in Canara Bank within this article. When we use the term download then it means we are simply making the use of the internet. So you will require a stable internet connection to continue with this guide and download your Canara Bank account statement.
The next thing is you should have an active internet banking or net banking account with you. In case you don’t have access to your internet banking portal then you can not download the bank account statement. So we recommend you to first get your internet banking activated and then you can proceed further with this guide.
All you have to do is visit the official website of the bank and click on the New User button. When you click on the new user you will be asked to provide certain details which are mentioned below.
- Your bank account number.
- Canara Bank Customer ID.
- Registered Mobile Number.
- ATM Card Details or Identity Proof Document. (This is for Verification Purpose)
As soon as you enter the above-mentioned details on the official website. You will receive an OTP to your registered mobile number. Enter the OTP and you are good to go.
Here you should keep one thing in your mind and that is there are two types of internet banking rights in Canara Bank. They are as view-only and full transaction rights.
Both these rights will work for us and will help you to download the bank account statement in Canara Bank. But if you want to use internet banking to carry out transactions then you will have to opt for full transaction rights.
I hope you got an idea of how you can get your internet banking activated. And if you are now ready with your internet banking account. Then let us move to the further part of this guide and know more about the process of downloading the bank account statement in Canara Bank.
Before we do something we should know all the possible things about it. So I would like to tell you the real meaning of the bank account statement before we start.
Table of Contents
What is a Bank Account Statement?
The bank account statement is an official document that is issued by the bank where you hold your bank account. Not only the Canara Bank but all the banks which are operating in India issue their customers the bank account statement.
This document will be stating all the transactions that have taken place in your bank account for a particular period of time.
It can be a credit transaction of your Salary or a debit transaction you made at an e-commerce website online. Every single movement of money in and out of your bank account will be mentioned in the bank account statement.
What is the Use of Bank Account Statement?
The major reason why people download their bank account statement is to get detailed insights into their bank transactions. Other reasons for downloading the bank account statement are listed below.
- The bank account statement acts as an address proof document in India.
- Bank account statements are normally used as income proof.
- If you are willing to apply for Credit Card or a Loan you will be asked to provide your bank account statement.
These are some of the most common reasons why people in India download their bank account statements. If you have any other reason with you then you can comment down below.
How Much Does it Cost to Download Bank Account Statement?
When you download the bank account statement of your Canara Bank account you will be charged nothing. This service is free of cost provided by the bank. Here you should note one thing and that is only the soft copy of the account statement that can be obtained for free.
If you wish to get a printed copy from the home branch of Canara Bank then the bank will charge you for that. But if you are using internet banking to download the same then you won’t be charged anything.
Check https://www.zintego.com for generating Invoices.
How Many Times Can I Download Bank Account Statement?
Canara Bank has a robust internet banking system that lets you download or view your bank account statement any number of times. There is no such limit which is imposed by the bank on downloading and viewing the bank account statement. Usually, the Canara Bank customers complained about the internet banking interface. And because of that, the bank has upgraded the system which lets you access your account statements seamlessly.
Are Mini Statement and Account Statement Same?
No, Mini Statement and the Bank account statement are totally different. If you get the mini statement of Canara Bank then you can get details only about your last 5 transactions. But at the same time if you get your bank account statement then you will get the details about all the transactions for the chosen period of time.
And you can not get the mini statement online using internet banking. If you wish to get the mini statement then you can use the ATM machine, Missed Call Banking, or SMS Banking services of the bank.
How to Download Canara Bank Account Statement?
We know the meaning of the account statement, the cost, and the number of times you can have to download it. So now it is time to know the process of getting your bank account statement downloaded.
Step 1: Open the Official Website of Canara Bank
Whenever you are using the internet banking feature of the bank. You should always make sure you are on the official website of the bank. Never enter details like your username and password on the third-party websites. So the first thing you have to do is visit the official website of the Canara Bank.
Step 2: Enter your Credentials and Solve the Captcha
Enter your username and password of internet banking and solve the captcha (human verification) on the login page. Once you have entered the correct details click on Login.
Step 3: Click on Transaction History
You will be taken to the user homepage of internet banking where you can your bank account number. And in case you have multiple bank accounts then all those will be displayed to you. Now you have to click on the Transaction History link provided on the user homepage.
Step 4: Choose Detailed Statement
The general term used is a bank account statement. But in the case of Canara Bank internet banking, they have termed it as a Detailed Statement. Both bank account statements and detailed statements are one and the same.
Step 5: Choose the Date Range
You have to select the period of time for which you wish to download your bank account statement. It can be 1 month, 2 months, 3 months and 6 months.
If you wish you can select the custom date range as well. But make sure that the date range does not exceed a period of 6 months. Because if it does then the system can not provide you with your bank account statement.
Step 6: Choose the File Format
This is the last step in the process of downloading the Canara Bank account statement. Here you have to select the file format in which you wish to download your bank account statement. You can choose between PDF format or Excel Spreadsheet.
This is how you can download the bank account statement in Canara Bank. You can repeat the process for any number of times i.e. download the statement for any number of times for free. But make sure you choose the date range within 6 months and choose the file format correctly.
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